
Welcome to CK Motors

Welcome to CK MOTORS in 200 Gregory Lane / Pleasant Hill, California! In Business for many years offering quality preowned cars, trucks, vans and SUV's. Call in today for a test drive, or visit our inventory page for a complete list of in-stock vehicles, complete with pictures, mileage, and all the important information you need to make a better buying decision.
We make every attempt to keep posted prices and vehicle information accurate and up to date. In the event that inaccuracies may occur, we reserve the right to modify and make corrections in a timely manner. All prices are subject to this correction policy. Prices do not include any applicable sales tax, license fee, documentation and any dealer accessories.
CARS SHOWN From 12Pm to 9Pm ONLY
Our hours are Monday thru Friday
Please call us on 925-957-1515 or 925-682-1998
Thanks for reading and I look forward to meeting you.